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The MSc in E-learning programme at the University of Edinburgh is innovative both in the context of the field of e-learning, and in the context of the University. It stands out because of its experimental approach to course design and teaching and its critical and theoretical perspectives on online learning, and it is strongly underpinned by the excellence, energy and commitment of its participants. Student writing: innovative online strategies for assessment & feedback was funded from 2009-2011 by the Principal's Teaching Award Scheme at the University of Edinburgh to take a closer look at some of the programme’s practices. Our goals were to understand better how our approach works, how to make that approach even better, and how to share what we have learned with others interested in online and distance learning. Over the past two years the project has been an important source of insight into the assessment, feedback and digital writing practices of the MSc in E-learning. The key data generated by the project were a series of student-led ethnographies of courses, where students acted as participant observers and kept field notes that were analysed and used to develop three key project themes:
The project also drew on the rich source of data we have in our archived online course interactions with and between students, and generated assessment and feedback stories from students and teachers. We hosted two multimodal assessment roundtables, presented our work at several conferences and events, created a web site, and held a series of events to discuss and develop our manifesto for teaching online. The project had four main successes:
We will be publishing and presenting the findings from the project over the next year, and will continue to disseminate and discuss the manifesto locally and internationally via online channels. As a team, we have built on the successes of this project with a further PTAS-funded project. |
updated 1 November 2011 |
contact jen.ross@ed.ac.uk for more information |